Monday, April 19, 2010

Bringing Isla home

Wow what a life changer. I am so happy to bring this little girl into the world. She is such a good girl. She cracks me up every day with her little noises she makes and her wandering eyes. I can only imagine what I'm in for. Me and Lace are doing well, Lace is fully recovered for the most part but her boobs hurt from the the new milk that has come in. Thanks for all the love and support and come by when you get a chance to see the little human midget.


Mom said...

The pictures are so darling--I want more. We love that little girl and we're so thrilled for you guys. Love Mom, Candy

Sue said...

Sophie likes her new cousin's name. She wants meet her. She definitely looks like a croft! Oh, they only stay that new for about a week. Enjoy it-


Jitterbug said...

Crazy! We do not know you, but we are Croft's too! Stumbled across your many thing in common. My name is Alexa, my husband is Brent (close to Brett)--aka bacroft, my sister is Cassie. Lovely new baby! Just wanted to say hi to some other Crofts. : )

acroft said...

chris, she is beautiful. new babes are loads of fun! the nursery is amazing also. love, al

mrawle said...

weird comment from Jitterbug!! We cant wait to see this little girl again. She is so beautiful and has probably changed so much in the past few weeks. Hope all is well and we get to see you guys soon.

Love Mern