Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Erin Sissy Sue is a big 35 today!! She has just had her 3rd beautiful child.  We are so happy and proud of her.  HOpe you have a great day Sue and see you soon.  Hopefully at the cabin!!  She is a great sister and a really good  wife and mother.   Would would have ever thought?..? Erin Sue Croft is a wife and a mother of 3!! We should call Dwight!!    Love you Sue and I just couldn't resist the last pic!!!  Just toooooo perfect.  Have a GREAT birthday!!

Love Marn

Friday, June 20, 2008


Happy Birthday Jackson Jon are the KING OF THE HOUSE!!!...we love you!! You are the oldest boy in our home...What would we do without all the loud noises and squeals!!...We love Jackson!! Colin and Aiden  look up to him sooooo much...He is a good example of what a GREAT BOY should be....WE LOVE JACK!!!!!  Alexia like having a younger brother to bug!!!

We luv JACK!!!!!!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Learning to Share!!!

tessa and claire are finally learning how to share (most of the time). since they both LOVE the car from aunt marnie, they have figured out that if they squeeze together they can both fit at the same time. they can't move it very well when they are both in it, so they just hang out and chat with each other.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Did what mama wanted

So ma was getting after me for not putting up any post so I decided to put up this one here I am at the Demolition Derby. Hot dogs, explosions, monster trucks and fine women. Can't ask for a better Saturday.


Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Ok so this is just a post to bitch about how much I hate the first week of summer.  My kids go from structured mild monsters, to out of control party animals.  They want to go a hundred miles a minute with 50 friends to 12 places.  Aiden has taken to peeing in the toilet but poops in his drawers everytime.  Colin and his friends sneek around playing Halo and Tour of Duty 3  (both are rate M) and then go hide and shoot the air soft guns, that are way off limits!!  My dear Alexia has gone from being Charlie to Varuka in about 3 weeks (charlie and the Chocolate Factory reference there).  Thinking all all rules are stupid and she should get anything she wants.  WTF  Flo is in town and I hate all my children.  I am going to take a bath and an ambian and then if I hear any of them they might get their heads torn off.

Viva La Summer!!

talk to you all tomorrow!!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Nicole Hill Photo Shoot

My photo teacher also is a stock photographer and works for a company called rubberball.  They go around shooting shots that they then sell to others for advertising, commercials, and etc...  She had seen a pic of my kitchen and wanted to know if she could do a photo shoot there.  I told her she could and when she came to look she wanted a few more rooms.  it was a fun day watching her light and work with the models.  They also did video shots (12 sec scenio shots) of all the shoots.  Very interesting, very crazy.  We didnt get everything she wanted in one day, so she is going to come back and shoot a few more rooms using my KIDS!!  She is very talented.  You can see more shots at her website:  Here are a few that she took at my house.  Check out the entire shoot on her blogspot above.


Her mother SUCKS!!

Yesterday, our baby girl, Princess Alexia turned the big "15".  We (Todd, Alexia, and I) had spent a grueling 3 days on the pioneer trek in Wyoming.  We all got home Saturday night totally spent and exhausted.  Somehow we all made it up and to church, then out to lunch to celebrate Lex's birthday, then home to make a cake.  Todd's family was coming over to bring presents and have cake.  About 20 minutes before they arrived, I got soooooooo sick!! Ended up with the runs and throwing up and a horrible night.  Needless to say, I didnt get a birthday post up.  We love this girl like no other.  We are so proud she is our daughter and in our family.  We can hardly wait, and are a bit scared of the years to come.  Just think next near we will be looking at repos for her to drive.   HAHA  Love you babe....  you rock our world!! (literally)

Jackson, Colin and Aiden are also so lucky to have such a great, loving, attentive big sister and they love you tons too.

Love mom and dad


happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday sweet Lexa, happy birthday to you!!! i am at work right now and don't have any good pics to post, but once i get home i'm putting some on. we hope you had a great day and got a lot of great stuff!! i'm sorry it's late, my kids and husband are sick, but we love you tons and always wish you the best. good luck with the driving!!! love you tons, tim-allison-tessa-claire

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Monday, June 2, 2008


happy happy birthday Liam dear!!!


Yeah She did it!! Sissy Erin Sue and Davey Wavy Gravy our the proud parents of.......Elise??Bronwyn??Ireland??Arewyn??Arwyn???(mother wants Fallon...GROSS!!) or something else I guess. Stay tuned!! She did great although it took a bit longer than anyone thought. She was born at 10:08, weighing in at 7 lb 7 oz and 201/2 inches long. She has long fingers and toes and lots of blondish hair. She seems to be a nice mix of both Liam and Sophie!! More tomorrow....tired tonight.

Love Marn & Mom & Orly : )